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Intrapersonal Transcendence

Intrapersonal transcendence is one of the dimensions of self-transcendence, a concept that refers to various ways of transcending one’s self-boundaries. Self-transcendence is a process that promotes or supports well-being, especially in situations of increased vulnerability. The theory of self-transcendence is based on three major concepts: vulnerability, well-being, and self-transcendence.

At this time in my life, I find myself

Having hobbies or interests I can enjoy?

Accepting myself as I grow older?

Being involved with other people or my community when possible?

Adjusting well to my present situation?

Adjusting to changes in my physical ability?

Sharing my wisdom or experience with others?

Helping others in some way?

Having an ongoing interest in learning?

Able to move beyond some things I once found important?

Accepting death as part of life?

Finding meaning in my spiritual beliefs?

Finding meaning in my past-experiences.?

Letting others help me when I may need it?

Enjoying my pace of life?

Letting go of past regrets?

Having positive, self-affirming thoughts?

Feeling like I am flowing effortlessly into the future?

Sleeping well every night?

Having optimistic thoughts about my future?

Having a lack of self-consciousness about myself?

Transcendence therapy, therapy, psychology, counselling

Transcendence Therapy

Transcendence therapy is a form of psychotherapy that aims to help clients overcome their psychological problems by accessing a higher level of consciousness. The concept of transcendence therapy was developed by Abraham Maslow, who proposed that human beings have a hierarchy of needs, and that the highest need is self-actualization, or the realization of one’s full potential. Maslow also suggested that some people experience peak experiences, or moments of intense joy, creativity, or insight, that transcend their ordinary sense of self and reality.

universe, cosmos, astrophysics, theory, thinking, thought

Self-Transcendence Theory

Click below to listen to this article: self-transcendence theory The self-transcendence theory is a psychological theory that explores how people expand their personal boundaries and connect with something greater than themselves. It is based on the idea that human beings have a natural tendency to seek meaning and purpose in Read more…

Temp Home

Welcome to self-transcendence Research, a website dedicated to exploring and promoting the concept of self-transcendence. self-transcendence is a personality trait that involves expanding your personal boundaries and connecting with something greater than yourself. It can enhance your wellbeing, meaning, and spirituality. On this website, you will find various resources to Read more…


Welcome to Self-transcendence Research, a website dedicated to exploring and promoting the concept of self-transcendence. Self-transcendence is a personality trait that involves expanding your personal boundaries and connecting with something greater than yourself. It can enhance your wellbeing, meaning, and spirituality. On this website, you will find various resources to Read more…

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