process of becoming

A process of becoming is a dynamic and continuous transformation of an entity or a system from one state to another. It involves change, growth, adaptation, learning, and evolution. A process of becoming can be observed in various domains, such as biology, psychology, sociology, philosophy, and art. For example, a Read more…

triple bottom line

The triple bottom line is a concept that measures the performance of an organization not only by its financial results, but also by its social and environmental impacts. It is based on the idea that businesses have a responsibility to contribute to the well-being of the planet and its people, Read more…

aretaic attributes

aretaic attributes are qualities or characteristics that relate to virtue ethics, a branch of moral philosophy that focuses on the development of moral excellence or human flourishing. aretaic attributes can be divided into two main types: intellectual virtues and moral virtues. Intellectual virtues are habits of mind that enable one Read more…


Co-creating is the stage of prototyping and implementing the new ideas and solutions that emerge from the Co-presencing stage. This stage involves testing, learning and iterating the prototypes in real-world settings, as well as engaging in dialogue and feedback with the stakeholders and beneficiaries.


Co-presencing is the stage of connecting to the source of inspiration and creativity that lies within oneself and the collective. This stage involves letting go of old assumptions, judgments and habits, and opening up to new possibilities and potentialities.


co-sensing is a term that refers to the process of collectively sensing and tuning in to the emerging future of an organisation. It involves listening deeply to oneself, others, and the system as a whole, and suspending one’s judgments and assumptions. co-sensing is a key element of organisational transcendental transformation, Read more…


co-initiating is the stage of building a core group of stakeholders who share a common intention and commitment to the transformation process. This stage involves clarifying the driving question, identifying the key players and inviting them to join the journey.


The term syntony refers to a state of being in harmony or resonance with one’s environment, or a matching of frequencies between two oscillators. It is derived from the Greek word syntonia, which means agreement or being in tune. syntony can be used in different contexts, such as psychology, electronics, Read more…

ontological interpretation

An ontological interpretation is a method of understanding the nature of being or reality. It seeks to elucidate the fundamental categories and concepts that underlie all phenomena. An ontological interpretation does not rely on any specific philosophical discipline, but rather on the way to the ground of being. An ontological Read more…


probabilistic is an adjective that describes something that is based on or involves probability. Probability is the mathematical study of how likely an event or outcome is to occur, given some assumptions or conditions. For example, a probabilistic model can be used to predict the weather, the behaviour of a Read more…
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