
deterministic is an adjective that describes a belief or a system that follows the doctrine of determinism. Determinism is the philosophical and scientific thesis that all events, including human decisions and actions, are causally inevitable and follow natural laws. According to determinism, there is no free will, and humans cannot Read more…


psychokinesis is a term that refers to the alleged ability of the mind to influence matter without any physical intervention. It is also known as PK or telekinesis. psychokinesis is studied by parapsychology, a branch of psychology that investigates paranormal phenomena. Some examples of psychokinesis are levitating objects, bending metal, Read more…


precognition is the alleged ability to perceive or predict future events before they happen, using extrasensory perception or intuition. It is a controversial and widely debated topic in parapsychology and psychology, with no conclusive scientific evidence to support its existence. Some possible explanations for precognition include retrocausality, quantum entanglement, confirmation Read more…


clairvoyance is the claimed psychic ability to gain information about an object, person, location, or physical event through extrasensory perception. It can also mean the power or faculty of discerning objects or matters not present to the senses. Some people believe in clairvoyance and use it to predict the future Read more…


telepathy is the ability to communicate with others using only the mind, without any verbal or physical interaction. telepathy is often considered a paranormal phenomenon, but some scientists have explored the possibility of natural or artificial telepathy through brain-computer interfaces or quantum entanglement. telepathy is not widely accepted as a Read more…

quantum field

A quantum field is a theoretical concept that describes how subatomic particles behave and interact in accordance with quantum mechanics and relativity. quantum fields are associated with different types of particles, such as electrons, photons, quarks, and gluons. Each quantum field pervades the entire universe and has a value at Read more…

quantum state

A quantum state is a mathematical description of the properties and behaviour of a quantum system, such as an atom, a photon, or an electron. A quantum state can be represented by a vector, a matrix, or a wave function, depending on the context and the type of system. A Read more…

quantum effect

A quantum effect is an effect that is not properly predicted by classical physics, but is properly predicted by quantum mechanics. quantum mechanics describes the behaviour of nature at and below the scale of atoms, where matter and radiation exhibit both particle-like and wave-like properties. These are observed when these Read more…

neural network

A neural network is a type of artificial intelligence that mimics the structure and function of biological neurons. A neural network consists of layers of interconnected nodes that process and transmit information. Each node has a set of weights and biases that determine how it responds to the inputs from Read more…

entangled particle

An entangled particle is a particle that is part of a group of particles whose quantum states are interdependent, regardless of their spatial separation. This means that measuring the properties of one particle will affect the properties of the other particles in the group, even if they are far apart.