affirmations, appreciations, positivity, self-confidence

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Self-confidence is a key ingredient for success and happiness in life. It is the belief in oneself and one’s abilities, regardless of the challenges or setbacks that may arise. Self-confidence can help us overcome fear, anxiety, and self-doubt, and empower us to pursue our goals and dreams. But how can we develop and maintain self-confidence? What are some of the benefits and challenges of being confident? And how can we support others who struggle with low self-esteem? In this article, we will explore these questions and more, and provide some practical tips and strategies to boost your self-confidence and achieve your full potential.

What is self-confidence, and why is it important?

Self-confidence is a positive and realistic attitude that allows you to trust yourself and your abilities. It involves knowing yourself, accepting your strengths and weaknesses, and having a sense of control over your life. Self-confidence also means respecting yourself and others, and being courageous enough to act on your beliefs and values. Self-confidence is not the same as self-esteem, which is how much you value yourself as a person. However, self-confidence and self-esteem are related, as having self-confidence can boost your self-esteem and vice versa.

Self-confidence is important for many reasons. It can help you cope with challenges, difficulties, and uncertainties in life. It can also help you achieve your goals and pursue your passions. Self-confidence can enhance your relationships, communication, and social skills. It can also improve your mental health and wellbeing, as it can reduce stress, anxiety, and depression. Self-confidence can also make you happier, more optimistic, and more resilient.

An alternative view of self-confidence, is related to the suggestion that you can only have true self-confidence when you know and love all the self. Knowing all the self in this case includes knowing your shadow aspects, which many people avoid. The theory suggests that we cannot have true self-confidence until we come to know and relate with all our aspects of self, and this includes aspects which for many are as yet unknown. Until each of us arrives at that full knowledge of the self, then our self-confidence will be flimsy, perhaps a false understanding of self-confidence, where we acquire and collect tokens that lead us to believe we should have confidence in self. Yet, those trinkets of self-confidence are in themselves fragile and erode over time.

This alternative view of self-confidence suggests that it’s only through self-introspection that the true self comes to be known. That any feelings of self-confidence and individual has without this full self-knowledge will be transient in nature, tending to fall away over time.

How to assess your current level of self-confidence

Self-confidence is the belief in your own abilities and potential. It can affect your performance, your relationships, and your well-being. Assessing your current level of self-confidence can help you identify your strengths and areas for improvement. Here are some steps you can take to assess your self-confidence:

  • Reflect on your achievements and successes. Think about the things you have accomplished in your personal and professional life, and how they made you feel. Write down a list of at least 10 achievements that you are proud of, and why they matter to you.
  • Identify your skills and abilities. Think about the things you are good at, and the skills you have developed over time. Write down a list of at least 10 skills and abilities that you possess, and how they benefit you and others.
  • Recognize your challenges and limitations. Think about the things you find difficult or challenging, and the areas where you would like to improve. Write down a list of at least 10 challenges and limitations that you face, and how they affect you and others.
  • Evaluate your self-talk and beliefs. Think about the way you talk to yourself, and the beliefs you hold about yourself and your capabilities. Write down some examples of positive and negative self-talk and beliefs that you have, and how they influence your behaviour and emotions.
  • Compare your self-perception with reality. Think about how accurate your self-assessment is, and how it matches with the feedback and opinions of others. Write down some examples of situations where your self-perception was consistent or inconsistent with reality, and how they impacted your outcomes and relationships.

The alternative view of self-confidence suggests that true self-confidence does not come from achievements, and that collecting these, is simply a rationalized way of providing temporary relief for our lack of confidence in self. That following this traditional approach of collecting achievements and such as a way of feeling better about self still leaves an empty, hollow shell within, which may be forgotten in the short term, but will come back to bite us when we are older and less able to collect more achievements to keep this facade of self-confidence propped up.

This alternative view proposes that understanding the true nature of self, and having self-confidence, are one and the same thing. So to evaluate where you are in terms of your self-confidence, it asks you to look within yourself; do you feel empty inside? Do you have negative, self-critical thoughts about self? Do you, despite all of your achievements, still find yourself lacking in some way? If you answer yes to any of these questions, then it’s likely that you will not find long-term happiness and self-confidence until you look within yourself and discover those aspects of self that have been lost.

The benefits of having high self-confidence

Here are some of the benefits of having high self-confidence:

  • You can perform better under stress. When you are confident, you can focus on the task at hand and not let fear or doubt interfere with your performance. You can also cope better with feedback and criticism, and learn from your mistakes.
  • You can influence others more effectively. When you are confident, you can communicate your ideas and opinions clearly and persuasively. You can also inspire trust and respect from others, and motivate them to follow your lead or support your cause.
  • You can try new things and explore new opportunities. When you are confident, you are not afraid of failure or rejection. You are willing to take risks and challenge yourself to grow and learn. You can also discover new passions and interests, and expand your horizons.
  • Furthermore, you can build resilience and bounce back from setbacks. When you are confident, you have a positive outlook on life and yourself. You can see difficulties as opportunities for improvement, and not as threats to your self-esteem. You can also recover faster from disappointments and losses, and move on with optimism.
  • Likewise, you can make healthier decisions for yourself and others. When you are confident, you have a clear sense of your values and goals. You can also respect your own needs and boundaries, and assert them when necessary. You can also choose what is best for you and those you care about, without compromising your integrity or happiness.

As you can see, having high self-confidence can benefit you in many aspects of your life. It can help you achieve more, enjoy more, and live more fully. Therefore, it is worth investing in your self-confidence and cultivating it every day.

Identify and challenge your negative thoughts

One of the most effective ways to improve one’s mental health and wellbeing is to identify and challenge one’s negative thoughts. Negative thoughts are often distorted, irrational, or exaggerated beliefs that cause distress and interfere with one’s functioning. Challenging negative thoughts involves recognizing them, examining the evidence for and against them, and replacing them with more realistic and balanced alternatives.

Here are some steps to identify and challenge one’s negative thoughts:

  • Keep a thought diary. A thought diary is a tool that helps you record your negative thoughts and emotions in different situations. You can use a notebook, a smartphone app, or any other method that works for you. The goal is to become more aware of your thinking patterns and how they affect your mood.
  • Identify cognitive distortions. cognitive distortions are common errors in thinking that make you see things in a negative or distorted way. Some examples of cognitive distortions are: all-or-nothing thinking, overgeneralizing, catastrophizing, mind reading, personalizing, filtering, emotional reasoning, and should statements. You can use a list of cognitive distortions to help you identify which ones you tend to use in your negative thoughts.
  • Challenge your negative thoughts. Once you have identified your negative thoughts and cognitive distortions, you can start to challenge them by asking yourself some questions, such as: Is this thought based on facts or feelings? What is the evidence for and against this thought? What are some alternative explanations or perspectives? How likely is this outcome to happen? How helpful is this thought in achieving my goals or coping with the situation? What would I say to a friend who had this thought?
  • Replace your negative thoughts with more realistic and positive ones. After challenging your negative thoughts, you can try to replace them with more realistic and positive ones that are based on facts, logic, and optimism. You can use affirmations, coping statements, or positive self-talk to help you reframe your negative thoughts and boost your confidence and self-esteem.

The alternative view of self-confidence suggests that our negative thoughts and feelings actually emanate from our shadow self, and that spotting these is key to getting to know these lost aspects of self. One possible way of dealing with these thoughts is to interact with them in a visualization meditation where you imagine yourself talking to that lost aspect of self and trying to gain an understanding of its “isolation-drama” (the reason it came to be a separate, lost aspect of self). This can take some time to achieve for the beginner, but in time you will find that it’s possible to discuss those negative thoughts internally, and come to an agreement where the dark thought agrees to come back to the light, to become a loved, positive aspect of the true self of you.

Set realistic and achievable goals

Setting realistic goals is a key skill that can help you achieve personal and professional success. According to Enlightio, setting realistic goals is critical to building self-confidence because it allows you to focus on achievable tasks instead of being overwhelmed by unrealistic expectations. Also, you will have the opportunity to celebrate small victories, which can boost your confidence and motivation to keep working toward your goals.

Setting realistic goals also helps you maximize your time and resources, and provides a sense of purpose and direction in life. As states, when you examine your goals carefully to make sure each goal is realistically achievable, you increase your chances for success, whether at home, at school or in the workplace.

Moreover, setting realistic goals aligns with the principles of positive psychology and goal-setting theory. Positive psychology emphasizes the importance of setting goals that are meaningful, challenging and attainable for your well-being and happiness ( Goal-setting theory suggests that specific, difficult and feedback-oriented goals lead to higher performance and satisfaction (

Therefore, setting realistic goals can help you improve your skills, knowledge and abilities, as well as your self-esteem and confidence. By setting and achieving realistic goals, you can demonstrate your competence, overcome challenges and grow as a person.

Celebrate your successes and learn from your failures

One of the key factors that influence self-confidence is how we evaluate our own performance and achievements. Celebrating your successes and learning from your failures can help you boost your self-confidence in several ways.

First, celebrating your successes can reinforce your positive self-image and remind you of your strengths and abilities. It can also motivate you to set higher goals and pursue them with more enthusiasm and determination. Celebrating your successes can also increase your happiness and satisfaction with yourself and your life.

Second, learning from your failures can help you overcome your fear of failure and develop a growth mindset. It can also help you identify your areas of improvement and seek feedback and guidance from others. Learning from your failures can also encourage you to embrace challenges and opportunities for learning and growth.

Therefore, celebrating your successes and learning from your failures can help you build a more confident and resilient self. By acknowledging both your achievements and your mistakes, you can develop a more balanced and realistic view of yourself and your potential.

Seek positive feedback and support from others

Seeking positive feedback and support from others can help with self-confidence in several ways. First, it can help us recognize our strengths and achievements, which can boost our self-esteem and motivation. Second, it can help us cope with challenges and difficulties, which can reduce our stress and anxiety. Third, it can help us learn from constructive criticism and feedback, which can improve our skills and performance. Fourth, it can help us build positive relationships and social networks, which can enhance our well-being and happiness. Therefore, seeking positive feedback and support from others is a valuable strategy for improving our self-confidence and achieving our goals.

Practice positive affirmations and self-compassion

Practising positive affirmations and self-compassion can help with self-confidence by reducing self-criticism and enhancing self-acceptance. Positive affirmations are statements that affirm one’s positive qualities and abilities, while self-compassion is the attitude of kindness and understanding toward oneself, especially when facing difficulties or failures. Both practices can help to counteract the negative effects of low self-esteem, such as anxiety, depression, and shame.

Some examples of positive affirmations are:

  • I am enough.
  • I am worthy of love and respect.
  • I have the power to overcome any challenge.
  • I am capable of achieving my goals.
  • I am proud of myself and my accomplishments.

Some examples of self-compassion statements are:

  • I accept myself just as I am.
  • I forgive myself for my mistakes.
  • I treat myself with kindness and patience.
  • I acknowledge and honour my feelings.
  • I am not alone in my struggles.

By repeating these statements regularly, one can cultivate a more positive and compassionate relationship with oneself, which can boost one’s self-confidence and wellbeing.

Keep a journal of your achievements and progress

Keeping a journal of your achievements and progress can help with self-confidence in several ways. First, it can help you track your growth and development over time, which can boost your sense of competence and mastery. Second, it can help you celebrate your successes and acknowledge your strengths, which can increase your self-esteem and self-worth. Third, it can help you cope with challenges and setbacks by reminding you of your resilience and resourcefulness. Fourth, it can help you cultivate a positive mindset and attitude by focusing on what you have done well and what you can improve on, rather than dwelling on your flaws and failures.

Some example affirmations that you can write in your journal are:

  • I am proud of myself for achieving [goal].
  • I have learned [skill] and improved [area].
  • I have overcome [obstacle] and grown from [experience].
  • I am grateful for [opportunity] and [support].
  • I am confident in my abilities and potential.
  • I am worthy of respect and appreciation.
  • I am capable of handling any challenge that comes my way.
Avoid comparing yourself to others

Avoiding comparing yourself to others can help you improve your self-confidence and wellbeing. When you compare yourself to others, you may feel envious, insecure, or dissatisfied with yourself. This can lower your self-esteem and make you doubt your abilities and worth. On the other hand, when you focus on your own strengths, achievements, and goals, you can build a positive self-image and appreciate yourself for who you are. Here are some ways to avoid comparing yourself to others and boost your self-confidence:

Recognize that everyone has their own strengths and weaknesses. No one is perfect or superior to anyone else. You have unique talents and skills that make you valuable and capable.

  • Remind yourself of your achievements and successes. Celebrate your progress and accomplishments, no matter how small they may seem. Be proud of what you have done and what you can do.
  • Practice gratitude for what you have and who you are. Instead of focusing on what you lack or what others have, appreciate the things that enrich your life and make you happy. You may find it helpful to keep a gratitude journal or list.
  • Surround yourself with positive and supportive people. Spend time with people who lift you up, encourage you, and accept you for who you are. Avoid people who judge you, criticize you, or make you feel bad about yourself.
  • Set realistic and meaningful goals for yourself. Rather than trying to imitate or compete with others, pursue your own passions and interests. Challenge yourself to grow and improve in the areas that matter to you.
  • Seek inspiration from others instead of envy. Instead of feeling threatened or inferior by someone else’s success, learn from them and admire them. You can use their example as motivation to achieve your own goals.

By avoiding comparing yourself to others, you can improve your self-confidence and well-being. You can also exude confidence by being kind to yourself, expressing yourself authentically, and taking care of your physical and mental health.

Focus on your strengths and improve your weaknesses

Focussing on your strengths and improving your weaknesses is common advice for boosting self-confidence. But how does it work? The idea behind this strategy is to acknowledge your positive qualities and abilities, while also recognizing your areas of improvement and working on them. By focusing on your strengths, you can build a positive self-image and feel more confident in your skills and talents. By improving your weaknesses, you can overcome your challenges and reduce your insecurities. This way, you can develop a balanced and realistic view of yourself, which is essential for self-confidence.

Embrace new challenges and opportunities

Embracing new challenges and opportunities can help with self-confidence in many ways. Here are some of them:

  • Embracing challenges can help you develop a growth mindset, which means you believe that you can improve your abilities and learn new skills through effort and feedback. A growth mindset can boost your confidence by making you more open to feedback, more willing to try new things, and more resilient to setbacks.
  • Embracing challenges can also help you step out of your comfort zone, which is the range of activities and situations that you feel comfortable and confident in. By doing something that challenges you, you can expand your comfort zone and discover new abilities and strengths that you didn’t know you had. This can increase your confidence by showing you that you are capable of more than you thought.
  • Embracing challenges can also help you build an empowering mindset, which means you have positive and realistic beliefs about yourself and your potential. An empowering mindset can enhance your confidence by making you more optimistic, more assertive, and more proactive in pursuing your goals. It can also help you overcome barriers to self-confidence, such as fear of failure, resistance to change, or negative self-talk.
  • Embracing challenges can also help you become the best version of yourself, which means you are authentic, unique, and true to your values. By embracing challenges, you can express your personality, talents, and passions in ways that make you happy and fulfilled. You can also embrace your quirks and flaws instead of trying to hide them or change them to fit in. This can boost your confidence by making you more comfortable and proud of who you are.

In summary, embracing new challenges and opportunities can help with self-confidence by fostering a growth mindset, expanding your comfort zone, building an empowering mindset, and becoming the best version of yourself. These benefits can help you improve your mental health, your relationships, and your performance in various areas of life.

Take care of your physical and mental health

Taking care of your physical and mental health is an important way to boost your self-confidence. When you are physically healthy, you feel more energetic, capable and resilient. You are less likely to suffer from illnesses, injuries or chronic conditions that can affect your mood and self-esteem. When you are mentally healthy, you have a positive outlook on life, you cope better with stress and challenges, and you enjoy your relationships and activities. You are less likely to experience anxiety, depression or other mental health issues that can undermine your confidence and well-being.

By taking care of your physical and mental health, you are showing yourself respect and appreciation. You are acknowledging that you deserve to be happy and healthy, and that you have the power to make positive changes in your life. You are also setting a good example for others, especially those who look up to you or depend on you. You are demonstrating that you value yourself and your potential, and that you are not afraid to pursue your goals and dreams.

Taking care of your physical and mental health can help you with self-confidence in many ways. For example, it can help you:

  • Improve your appearance and body image. When you exercise regularly, eat well and get enough sleep, you look more fit, radiant and attractive. You feel more comfortable in your own skin and more confident in your abilities.
  • Enhance your skills and performance. When you are physically and mentally healthy, you can learn new things faster, remember information better and solve problems more effectively. You can also perform better at work, school or sports, which can boost your confidence and satisfaction.
  • Increase your social support and connection. When you are physically and mentally healthy, you tend to have more positive interactions with others. You can communicate more clearly, listen more attentively and empathize more deeply. You can also build stronger bonds with your family, friends and colleagues, who can provide you with encouragement, feedback and guidance.
  • Reduce your stress and negativity. When you are physically and mentally healthy, you can cope better with stress and adversity. You can manage your emotions more constructively, avoid unhealthy habits and behaviours, and seek help when needed. You can also focus more on the positive aspects of your life, rather than dwelling on the negative ones.
Further reading

If you would like to learn more about self-confidence and how to improve it, you may find these weblinks helpful: This website offers practical tips and tools for building self-confidence, such as identifying your strengths, setting goals, and overcoming negative thoughts. This website provides an overview of the psychological aspects of self-confidence, such as its definition, benefits, sources, and challenges. This website covers various topics related to self-esteem, which is closely related to self-confidence. It includes strategies for boosting self-esteem, coping with low self-esteem, and avoiding common pitfalls. This website explains the importance of confidence for personal and professional success. It also suggests ways to develop confidence in different situations, such as public speaking, networking, and leadership. This is a playlist of TED talks that can inspire you to be more confident and effective in public speaking. The speakers share their insights and experiences on how to overcome fear, anxiety, and self-doubt.


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