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integrative-cognitive behavioural therapy

integrative-cognitive behavioural therapy (ICBT) is a form of psychotherapy that combines elements from different approaches, such as cognitive-behavioural therapy, acceptance and commitment therapy, mindfulness-based cognitive therapy, and dialectical behaviour therapy. ICBT aims to help clients develop psychological flexibility, which is the ability to adapt to changing situations and act in accordance with one’s values.

One of the goals of ICBT is to facilitate self-transcendence, which is the process of expanding one’s sense of self beyond one’s personal identity and ego. self-transcendence can enhance wellbeing, meaning, and purpose in life, as well as reduce psychological distress and substance use. self-transcendence can be achieved by cultivating a perspective that is more open, curious, compassionate, and connected to others and the world.

ICBT has been applied to various populations and settings, such as veterans with substance use disorders and post-traumatic stress disorder, individuals with depression and anxiety, and groups in residential treatment programs. Research has indicated that ICBT can improve outcomes such as abstinence, recovery, symptom reduction, and personal growth. It is a promising intervention that can help clients transcend their self-limiting beliefs and behaviours and live more fulfilling lives.

ICBT and self-transcendence

ICBT works by addressing both the cognitive and emotional aspects of psychological distress, as well as the spiritual and existential dimensions of human experience. It helps clients identify and challenge negative thoughts and beliefs that contribute to their problems, while also encouraging them to explore their values, meaning, and purpose in life. ICBT also teaches clients skills and strategies to cope with stress, regulate emotions, and enhance wellbeing.

One of the benefits of ICBT is that it can facilitate self-transcendence, which has been linked to positive outcomes such as increased happiness, altruism, creativity, and resilience. self-transcendence can also help clients cope with existential issues such as death anxiety, loneliness, and meaninglessness. By integrating different aspects of their personality and expanding their awareness beyond their ego boundaries, clients can experience a deeper sense of connection with themselves, others, nature, and a higher power.

A Typical integrative-cognitive behavioural therapy session

integrative-cognitive behavioural therapy (ICBT) is a type of psychotherapy that combines elements from different therapeutic approaches, such as psychodynamic, cognitive, and behavioural techniques. ICBT aims to address the whole person, including their affective, behavioural, cognitive, physiological, and spiritual levels of functioning. It can be applied in various settings, such as individual, family, or group therapy.

A typical ICBT session may involve the following stages:

  • Assessment: The therapist and the client work together to identify the client’s presenting issues, goals, strengths, and challenges. The therapist may use various tools, such as questionnaires, interviews, or observations, to gather information about the client’s history, personality, coping skills, and current situation.
  • Formulation: The therapist and the client collaboratively develop a formulation that explains how the client’s problems are maintained by their thoughts, feelings, behaviours, and interactions with others. The formulation also identifies the factors that contribute to the client’s resilience and well-being. The formulation guides the treatment plan and helps the client understand their difficulties and strengths.
  • Intervention: therapist and client select and implement appropriate interventions based on the formulation and the client’s goals. The interventions may draw from different modalities, such as cognitive restructuring, exposure therapy, mindfulness training, interpersonal skills training, or relaxation techniques. The therapist and the client monitor the progress and outcomes of the interventions and adjust them as needed.
  • Evaluation: The therapist and the client evaluate the effectiveness of the therapy and review the achievements and challenges. The therapist and the client may use various measures, such as feedback forms, self-reports, or behavioural observations, to assess the changes in the client’s symptoms, functioning, and quality of life. The therapist and the client also discuss the maintenance of gains and relapse prevention strategies.
  • Termination: The therapist and the client end the therapy when they agree that the client has reached their goals or no longer needs or wants therapy. The therapist and the client may have a final session to summarize the therapy process, celebrate the successes, address any unresolved issues, and say goodbye. The therapist may also provide follow-up sessions or referrals if needed.
Typical use cases

One example of using ICBT to deliver self-transcendence for an individual is the case of a male combat veteran with alcohol use disorder and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) who underwent Transcending Self Therapy: Four-Session Individual integrative cognitive Behavioural Treatment (Individual TST-I-CBT). This treatment consisted of four sessions that focused on problem-solving, cognitive restructuring, coping skills, and recovery planning. The client was able to abstain from alcohol use, reduce his depressive symptoms, and improve his self-concept and relationships after the treatment. He also reported feeling more aligned with his values and pursuing his goals in life.

Another example of using ICBT to deliver self-transcendence for an individual is the case of a female college student with social anxiety disorder and low self-esteem who participated in an eight-week group ICBT program. This program involved cognitive-behavioural techniques such as exposure, cognitive restructuring, and behavioural experiments, as well as mindfulness-based practices such as meditation, body scan, and loving-kindness. The client experienced a significant reduction in her social anxiety and negative self-evaluation after the program. She also reported feeling more connected with others and more compassionate towards herself and others.

These examples illustrate how ICBT can be tailored to different clients and contexts to help them overcome their psychological difficulties and achieve self-transcendence. ICBT is a flexible and integrative approach that can draw on various techniques and theories to meet the specific needs and goals of each client.

Further reading

Here is a list of weblinks discussing where integrative-cognitive behavioural therapy can provide self-transcendence:

Transcending self therapy: Four-session individual integrative cognitive-behavioural treatment: A case report. This article describes a successful application of Transcending Self Therapy: Four-Session Individual integrative cognitive Behavioural Treatment (Individual TST-I-CBT), that helped a male combat veteran with Alcohol Use Disorder, Severe, and PTSD enter recovery and reduce depressive symptoms. The article discusses how the treatment helped the client achieve personal growth and transcendence by improving his self-concept, relationships, values, and goals. The URL is

integrative Therapy: Definition, Types, Techniques, and Efficacy. This article provides an overview of integrative therapy, its types, techniques, and benefits. It explains how integrative therapy can help people with various mental health problems by tailoring the therapy to their individual needs and drawing on different therapeutic orientations. The article also mentions how mindfulness, a technique often used in integrative therapy, can facilitate self-transcendence by helping people focus on the present moment and cultivate awareness and acceptance. The URL is


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