Hawkwind – Question the meaning of your sentence!
Calvert was proposing we should understand that this might be a “Prison” planet.
Calvert was proposing we should understand that this might be a “Prison” planet.
Unconditional positive regard serves as a key element in Carl Rogers’ person-centred therapy.
Carl Rogers, a prominent figure in humanistic psychology, emphasized the importance of self-exploration and the questioning of one’s assumptions
Carl Rogers, in his person-centred approach to therapy, emphasized the inherent potential for growth within each individual. He believed that individuals possess a natural drive towards self-actualization (Rogers, 1961), a process of becoming the best version of oneself. This drive is rooted in what he called Organismic Processes – the innate, biological tendencies that guide our development and well-being.
Carl Rogers, a pioneer in humanistic psychology, envisioned an ideal state of being he called the fully functioning person.
This article asks – Is there a difference between our true-self and our truest self? And reviews these two concepts from a philosophical, psychological and spiritual perspective.
In this article, I will explore the main psychological issues that contribute to the lack of peace in the world today, and suggest a possible way to overcome them.
One of the most profound questions that humans have asked throughout history is: Who am I? In this article, we explore this question.
This article explains the meaning of the phrase “True-self” and considers methods of gaining an understanding of this deep inner knowledge.
Self-transcendence is a concept that refers to the ability to go beyond one’s own self-interests, limitations, and ego. It is often associated with spiritual growth, personal development, and psychological well-being.