Hawkwind – Question the meaning of your sentence!
Calvert was proposing we should understand that this might be a “Prison” planet.
Window of Tolerance
The concept of the Window of Tolerance was introduced by Dan Siegel, a clinical professor of psychiatry. This idea describes the optimal zone of arousal where a person can effectively manage their emotions and respond to stress.
Synchronicity is a psychological phenomenon where two or more events occur simultaneously in a way that is meaningfully related, despite having no apparent causal connection.
Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP)
Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) is a fascinating field that combines elements of psychology, communication, and personal development.
AI Vulnerability and Trust in the User Interface
This is a thesis and design extrapolation for a new AI User Interface model based on a Dynamic Trust Model, will the recognised need to start the relationship in low trust, and be able to dynamically collapse as required.
Self-sabotage is a psychological phenomenon in which individuals, often unknowingly, engage in behaviours or thought patterns that undermine their own success.
Mindfulness and the Struggle for Focus
As a psychology student, I’ve spent a lot of time studying the mind’s inner workings: how we think, how we feel, and respond to the world around us.
Cognitive Distortions
Cognitive distortions refer to irrational or biased ways of thinking that can negatively affect our emotions and behaviours.
Confirmation Bias
Introduction to Confirmation Bias Confirmation bias is a well-documented psychological phenomenon where individuals tend to favour information that confirms their pre-existing beliefs, values, or attitudes, while simultaneously disregarding or undervaluing information that contradicts them. This bias is not only prevalent in everyday decision-making but also significantly influences how we process Read more…