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Intuition is often defined as the ability to know or understand something without conscious reasoning or evidence. It is a form of inner wisdom that transcends the limitations of the rational mind and the physical senses. But what is the source of intuition, and how does it relate to self-transcendence? self-transcendence is the experience of going beyond one’s individual ego and identifying with a larger reality that is more meaningful and fulfilling. It can involve a sense of connection with nature, humanity, spirituality, or the divine. In this article, we will explore the concept of intuition and its relationship with self-transcendence. We will examine the different types of intuition, the factors that influence its development, and the benefits of cultivating it for personal and social wellbeing. We will also discuss some practical ways to enhance one’s intuitive abilities and to use them for self-transcendence.
What is intuition?

Intuition is a type of knowledge that emerges in our consciousness without conscious reasoning or deliberation. It is not a magical phenomenon, but rather a result of our unconscious mind quickly processing past experiences and accumulated knowledge to generate hunches or gut feelings. Intuition can help us make fast and effective decisions in complex situations, especially when we have expertise or familiarity with the domain. However, intuition can also be influenced by biases, emotions, and expectations, and it is not always accurate or reliable. Therefore, it is important to balance intuition with rational analysis and evidence when making important choices.

Where does intuition come from?

Some of the sources of intuition are:

  • Experience: Intuition is often the result of learning from past situations and recognizing patterns or cues that indicate the best course of action. Experts in a certain domain tend to have more reliable intuition than novices because they have accumulated more relevant knowledge and skills.
  • Emotions: Intuition is also influenced by our feelings and moods, which can provide valuable information or bias our judgment. Emotions can help us focus on what is important, motivate us to act, or warn us of potential threats. However, emotions can also cloud our rationality, impair our memory, or lead us to overreact.
  • Heuristics: Intuition is also based on mental shortcuts or rules of thumb that simplify complex problems and speed up decision-making. Heuristics are useful when time or resources are limited, but they can also lead to errors or biases. For example, we may rely on stereotypes, availability, or confirmation bias when making intuitive judgments.
  • Inner knowing: Sometimes our intuition does not come from any form of prior knowledge. Instead, it comes from deep within the subconscious, it can be the first place we find knowledge of the unknown aspects of self, and from the collective consciousness. It’s this form of intuition that the transcendent seeker needs to develop.
Benefits of developing our intuition

Intuition is the ability to understand or sense something without relying on conscious reasoning or evidence. Developing one’s intuition can have many benefits for personal and professional growth. Some of the benefits are:

  • Intuition can help us make faster and more accurate decisions, especially in complex or uncertain situations. It can provide us with insights or hunches that are not easily accessible by logical analysis or data.
  • It can enhance our creativity and innovation, as it can help us generate new ideas or solutions that are not constrained by conventional thinking or norms. Furthermore, it can also help us overcome mental blocks or challenges that hinder our creative process.
  • It can improve our emotional intelligence and empathy, as it can help us understand ourselves and others better. It can help us recognize our own feelings and motivations, as well as the feelings and needs of others. Not only that, but it can also help us communicate more effectively and build rapport with others.
  • Intuition can increase our confidence and self-trust, as it can help us align with our true values and goals. It can help us discover our purpose and passion, as well as guide us towards the best actions or choices for ourselves. This can also help us cope with stress and uncertainty, as it can reassure us that we are on the right path.
  • It can also be a gateway to secret inner knowledge that opens the way to personal transcendence, allowing us to make connections to the wider self that is beyond the body and mind.
Developing intuition

One way to develop our intuition is to practice mindfulness. Mindfulness is the state of being aware of the present moment, without judgment or distraction. Mindfulness helps us tune in to our inner voice, our emotions, and our bodily sensations. It also helps us notice the subtle cues and patterns in our environment that can inform our decisions.

Another way to develop our intuition is to learn from experience. Experience is the best teacher, as they say, and it can help us build our intuition over time. By reflecting on our past successes and failures, we can identify what worked and what didn’t, and why. We can also seek feedback from others who have more expertise or different perspectives than us. This can help us improve our judgment and avoid biases.

A third way to develop our intuition is to experiment and explore. Intuition is not a fixed trait that we either have or don’t have. It is a skill that we can cultivate and enhance by trying new things, taking risks, and being open to possibilities. Experimenting and exploring can help us discover new insights, opportunities, and solutions that we might not have thought of otherwise.

Fourthly, we can develop our inner knowledge by carrying out various spiritual practices, such as dowsing, visualization and making sure we make room in our mind for those intuitive thoughts to come through.

Intuitive thoughts tend to get suppressed with a mind that is full of chatter, our modern lives do not help. It’s important to make room in our day for connecting to intuition, to strengthen it’s “voice”, and also to recognize its existence.

In conclusion, intuition is an asset that we can develop and use in various aspects of our lives. By practising mindfulness, learning from experience, and experimenting and exploring, we can strengthen our intuition and make better choices.

More tips for developing intuition

One way to develop intuition is to think about a recent situation that you would like more insight about. Focus on that event and pay attention to the thoughts that emerge. Next, write down what came to you in a journal. This can help you become more aware of your intuitive process and how it guides your actions.

Another way to develop intuition is to practice exercises that strengthen your intuition. For example, you can try to guess the outcome of a coin toss, a dice roll, or a card draw before it happens. You can also try to sense the emotions or thoughts of another person without asking them directly. These exercises can help you tune into your subconscious signals and increase your confidence in your intuition.

A third way to develop intuition is to expose yourself to different sources of information and perspectives. You can read books, watch documentaries, listen to podcasts, or attend workshops that challenge your assumptions and expand your knowledge. You can also talk to people who have different backgrounds, experiences, and opinions from yours. This can help you broaden your horizons and enrich your intuition with new insights.

Further reading

Here is a list of weblinks that discuss intuition development:



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