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Channelling is a practice that involves accessing a higher level of consciousness and communicating with a spiritual entity or source. It can be done for various purposes, such as seeking guidance, healing, inspiration, or personal growth. In this article, we will explore how channelling can be used for self-transcendence, which is the process of going beyond one’s ego and limitations and experiencing a deeper connection with oneself, others, and the universe. We will also discuss some benefits and challenges of channelling, as well as some tips and techniques to help you get started.

What is channelling?

Channelling is a process of communication between a human and a non-physical entity or consciousness. It can be done consciously or unconsciously, verbally or non-verbally, and with various degrees of clarity and accuracy. Channelling can be seen as a form of spiritual guidance, psychic ability, or mediumship, depending on the perspective and purpose of the channeller and the source of the message.

Some channellers claim to receive messages from angels, ascended masters, extraterrestrials, or other beings of light. Others channel information from their higher self, soul, or spirit guides. Some channellers use tools such as cards, crystals, or pendulums to facilitate the connection. Some channellers may enter a trance state or alter their consciousness to allow the entity to speak through them. Also, some channellers may write down or type the messages they receive.

Channelling is not a new phenomenon, as it has been practised in various cultures and religions throughout history. However, it has gained popularity recently as part of the New Age movement and the spiritual awakening of humanity. Channelling can be beneficial for personal growth, healing, inspiration, or insight, but it can also pose some risks and challenges. It is important to use discernment and critical thinking when evaluating the source and validity of the messages received through channelling.

Automatic writing

One of the most common channelling techniques is automatic writing. This is a form of channelling where the channel writes down the messages that they receive from the source, without consciously controlling or editing the words. Automatic writing can be done with a pen and paper, a keyboard, or any other writing tool. The channel may enter a trance-like state, or remain fully aware of their surroundings. The source may be a spirit guide, an angel, a deceased person, or a higher aspect of oneself.

To practice automatic writing, one needs to prepare a quiet and comfortable space, where they will not be disturbed. The channel should relax their body and mind, and set an intention for the session. They should ask for protection and guidance from their source, and invite them to communicate through writing. The channel should then start writing whatever comes to their mind, without judging or censoring it. They should let go of any expectations or doubts, and trust the process. The channel should write for as long as they feel comfortable, and then thank their source for the communication. The channel should then review what they have written, and reflect on the meaning and relevance of the messages.


Another type of channelling is mediumship, which involves communicating with the spirits of deceased people, past lives, higher-selves or other entities. Mediums can act as a bridge between the living and the dead, delivering messages or providing evidence of survival after death. Mediums can also help the spirits to resolve unfinished business or to move on to a higher plane of existence.

To channel a spirit, a medium needs to raise their vibration and tune in to the frequency of the spirit. This can be done by using various techniques, such as meditation, visualization, prayer, or invocation. The medium also needs to set a clear intention and ask for protection from negative influences. The medium then opens their mind and heart to receive the impressions from the spirit, which can come in different forms, such as words, images, feelings, or sensations. The medium then interprets and conveys these impressions to the intended recipient or audience.

Channelling is a skill that can be developed with practice and guidance. However, it also requires ethical responsibility and discernment. Channelling should be done with respect, compassion, and honesty. Channelling should not be used for selfish gain, manipulation, or harm. It should also be validated by personal experience and intuition. Channelling is not a substitute for professional advice or common sense.

Channelling and self-transcendence

Channelling can help with self-transcendence by facilitating a sense of connection with something greater than oneself, such as humanity, nature, the cosmos, or the divine. It can also help with self-transcendence by expanding one’s sense of self across time and space, integrating one’s past, present, future and higher-selves, and transcending one’s mortality and finitude. Channelling can also help with self-transcendence by enhancing one’s life purpose and meaning, as well as one’s well-being and resilience in the face of adversity.

Further reading

If you are interested in learning more about channelling, which is the act of connecting with a spiritual entity and receiving transformative information from them, you may want to check out some of the following weblinks:

Channeling & Spirit Guides: Voices From Within, Not Beyond: This article explains the history and practice of channelling, as well as some of the famous channellers and their spirit guides.

Channeling Spirits: How-to, Spirit Guides, and More: This article offers some tips and techniques on how to channel spirits safely and effectively, as well as some examples of channelling experiences.

What Is Channeling? | 2 Different Types of Channeling: This article describes two different types of channelling: conscious and trance channelling, and their advantages and disadvantages.

The Michael Teachings: This website provides information on the Michael teachings, which are a set of spiritual teachings channelled by various mediums from an entity named Michael.


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