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Intuitive writing

Intuitive writing is a creative process that involves tapping into one’s inner wisdom and expressing it in words. It is not based on rules, formulas, or templates, but on the natural flow of thoughts and feelings that arise from the subconscious mind. Intuitive writing can help writers overcome writer’s block, discover new insights, and unleash their authentic voice. In this article, we will explore the benefits of intuitive writing, the challenges it poses, and some practical tips to get started.

What is intuitive writing

Intuitive writing is a style of writing that relies on the writer’s instinct, feelings, and subconscious rather than on formal rules, logic, or analysis. It is often associated with creative writing, such as fiction, poetry, or memoir, but it can also be applied to other genres, such as journalism, academic writing, or business writing. Intuitive writing can help the writer to express their unique voice, perspective, and emotions, as well as to discover new insights and connections. Sometimes, intuitive writing is also called automatic writing: This is where the individual connects to a specific aspect of self to channel some wisdom from deep within.

True intuitive writing can take some practice to master since it involves setting aside one’s ego, which often attempts to interpret, reject or deny the information that is being received. Often making the individual feel self-conscious about it.

Some examples of intuitive writing are:

Stream of consciousness: This is a technique that mimics the flow of thoughts and impressions in the writer’s mind, without regard for grammar, punctuation, or coherence. It can create a sense of immediacy, authenticity, and spontaneity in the writing. An example of stream of consciousness writing is James Joyce’s Ulysses, which follows the inner monologues of various characters throughout a single day in Dublin.

Free writing: This is a practice that involves writing continuously for a set period of time, without stopping to edit, censor, or judge what is written. It can help the writer to overcome writer’s block, generate ideas, and explore their subconscious. An example of free writing is The Artist’s Way, a book by Julia Cameron that guides the reader through a series of exercises to unleash their creativity and intuition.

Automatic writing: This is a form of writing that involves letting go of conscious control and allowing the words to come from a higher source, such as the spirit world, the collective unconscious, or the divine. It can be used for spiritual or artistic purposes, or as a form of therapy. An example of automatic writing is The Book of the Law, a sacred text that was allegedly dictated to Aleister Crowley by a supernatural entity named Aiwass.

Intuitive writing as a self-transcendent practice

Intuitive writing is a form of self-transcendent practice, which means going beyond your ego and connecting with something greater than yourself. It can help you discover your true-self, heal your past wounds, and align your life with your soul’s purpose.

To practice intuitive writing, you need to create a space and time when you can relax and tune in to your intuition. You can start by asking yourself a question that you want guidance for, or simply write whatever comes to your mind. The key is to let go of any expectations, judgments, or doubts, and allow the words to flow freely from your heart. You may be surprised by what you write, as it may reveal insights, emotions, or messages that you were not aware of.

Intuitive writing is not about producing a polished piece of work, but about expressing your authentic voice and listening to your inner wisdom. You can use intuitive writing as a tool for personal growth, spiritual exploration, or creative expression. Intuitive writing can also help you connect with other beings, such as nature, the universe, or the divine. By transcending your ego and opening your heart, you can experience a deeper sense of meaning and joy in your life.

Further reading

If you are interested in learning more about intuitive writing, here are some weblinks for further reading:

Seven Tips for Intuitive Writing: The Heart-Hand connection: This article by Jill G. Hall, an award-winning author of dual-timeline novels, shares her personal experience and advice on how to practice intuitive writing. She offers seven tips on how to develop a daily writing habit, write in community, claim your workspace, connect with a community, and more.

Intuitive Writing 101: This blog post by Jade Eby, a writer and coach, explains the difference between mainstream and intuitive writing methods. She also describes the characteristics of intuitive writers and how they approach their stories. She provides some examples of intuitive writing prompts and exercises to help you get started.


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