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Service is a concept that has been widely studied in various disciplines, such as psychology, sociology, and management. However, there is no consensus on what service means and how it relates to human wellbeing. One perspective that offers a comprehensive and integrative view of service is the self-transcendence theory, which proposes that service is a way of transcending the self and connecting with others, nature, or a higher power, sometimes via numinous experiences. According to this theory, service can enhance one’s sense of meaning, purpose, and fulfilment in life, as well as foster positive emotions, relationships, and social change. In this article, we will review the main tenets of self-transcendence theory and its implications for service research and practice. We will also discuss some of the challenges and limitations of this approach and suggest directions for future studies.
Transcendence theory
Transcendence theory is a broad term that encompasses various philosophical and religious perspectives on the nature and possibility of going beyond the limits of physical existence. Some common themes in transcendence theory are:
- The distinction between transcendence and immanence, which refers to whether a god or the absolute, is wholly independent of or fully present in the material world.
- The concept of transcendental, which was introduced by Immanuel Kant to describe the conditions of possibility of knowledge itself, independent of empirical observation.
- The notion of transcendence as a state of being or experience that overcomes the limitations of physical existence, such as in prayer, meditation, psychedelics or paranormal visions.
- The idea of transcendence as a higher level of human consciousness, behaviour and relation, as proposed by Abraham Maslow in his hierarchy of needs and by Viktor Frankl and Paul Wong in their meaning theory.
Transcendence theory is a complex and diverse topic that has been explored by many thinkers from different traditions and disciplines. It raises important questions about the nature of reality, knowledge, meaning and spirituality.
What is service in transcendence theory?
Service in transcendence theory is the idea that human beings can achieve a higher level of consciousness and wellbeing by engaging in activities that benefit others and the world. According to this theory, service is not only a moral duty or a social obligation, but also a source of personal growth and fulfilment. Service can take many forms, such as volunteering, activism, philanthropy, mentoring, teaching, or creating art. By serving others, one can transcend the ego and connect with a larger purpose and meaning in life.
Impact of transcendence theory on service
Transcendence theory is a philosophical approach that explores the possibility of surpassing the limits of human nature and experience. It has implications for various fields of study, including service. Service is the act of providing value to others through one’s actions, skills, or resources.
Service can be seen as a way of transcending oneself and contributing to a greater good. However, transcendence theory also raises some ethical and practical questions about service:
- How can one balance the needs and interests of oneself and others?
- How can one measure the impact and quality of service?
- Furthermore, how can one avoid exploiting or harming others for service?
- How can one cope with the challenges and risks of service?
These are some of the issues that transcendence theory can help us address and understand better. By applying transcendence theory to service, we can explore the potential benefits and drawbacks of service, as well as the ways to improve and enhance it.
It can be applied to service in various ways, such as:
- Encouraging service providers and recipients to seek higher values and meanings beyond their immediate needs and expectations.
- Fostering a sense of awe and wonder in service encounters, which can enhance satisfaction, loyalty, and trust.
- Developing a holistic and integrative perspective on service, which can foster creativity, innovation, and collaboration.
- Promoting a service culture that values diversity, inclusion, and social responsibility, which can contribute to the common good and human flourishing.
Service and self-transcendence
Transcendence theory is a framework that proposes that service can be a means of achieving a higher level of consciousness and well-being for the individual. According to this theory, service involves giving of oneself to others in a way that transcends one’s ego and self-interest, and connects one with a larger purpose and meaning in life. Service can also foster a sense of gratitude, compassion, empathy, and altruism in the individual, as well as a recognition of the interdependence and unity of all beings.
The transcendent individual is someone who has attained a state of consciousness that transcends the ordinary and mundane aspects of existence, and experiences a deeper connection with oneself, others, nature, and the divine. The transcendent individual can access higher levels of creativity, intuition, wisdom, and joy, and has a positive impact on the world through their actions and presence.
The application of transcendence theory to service means that service can be seen as a pathway to personal and spiritual growth for the transcendent individual. By engaging in service, the transcendent individual can further develop their qualities of transcendence, such as awareness, compassion, generosity, and harmony. Service can also provide opportunities for the transcendent individual to express their unique gifts and talents, and to contribute to the wellbeing of others and the planet. Service can thus be a source of fulfilment and happiness for the transcendent individual, as well as a way of honouring their true nature and purpose.
Benefits of service
One of the benefits of self-transcendence is that it can foster a sense of service to others and the common good. Service is not only an expression of compassion and generosity, but also a way of transcending one’s ego and self-interest. By serving others, one can experience a deeper sense of purpose, fulfilment, and joy. Service can also help one to appreciate the diversity and interdependence of life, and to cultivate a more positive and respectful attitude towards others.
Challenges of service
Challenges to service
Service to the self-transcendent individual is a concept that refers to the motivation and behaviour of people who seek to contribute to a cause or value that is greater than themselves. self-transcendence can be expressed in various ways, such as altruism, spirituality, creativity, or social justice. However, service to the self-transcendent individual also poses some challenges that need to be addressed and overcome.
One of the challenges is to balance the needs and interests of the self-transcendent individual with those of others who may not share the same vision or values. Service to the self-transcendent individual may require sacrificing personal resources, time, or comfort for a higher purpose. This may create conflicts or tensions with family, friends, colleagues, or society at large, who may have different expectations or demands from the self-transcendent individual. Therefore, service to the self-transcendent individual requires a clear sense of identity and boundaries, as well as effective communication and negotiation skills.
Another challenge is to cope with the emotional and psychological demands of service to the self-transcendent individual. Service to the self-transcendent individual may expose one to situations of suffering, injustice, or violence that can trigger negative emotions such as anger, sadness, fear, or guilt. These emotions can be overwhelming and debilitating if not managed properly. Moreover, service to the self-transcendent individual may also entail facing criticism, rejection, or hostility from those who oppose or misunderstand the self-transcendent cause or value. Therefore, service to the self-transcendent individual requires a strong sense of resilience and coping strategies, as well as social support and validation.
A third challenge is to maintain the quality and integrity of service to the self-transcendent individual. Service to the self-transcendent individual may involve complex and dynamic problems that require creativity and innovation. However, it may also be tempting to resort to shortcuts, compromises, or unethical practices that may undermine the effectiveness or legitimacy of the service. Furthermore, service to the self-transcendent individual may also pose a risk of losing sight of the original vision or value that inspired the service in the first place. This may result in disillusionment, burnout, or cynicism. Therefore, service to the self-transcendent individual requires a constant reflection and evaluation of one’s actions and outcomes, as well as a commitment to learning and improvement.
Famous examples of service
Some people who have dedicated their lives to serving a higher cause or helping others can be considered examples of self-transcendence. These individuals have gone beyond their personal needs and limitations and have expanded their sense of self and connection with the world. Here are some famous examples of self-transcendent individuals:
- Mahatma Gandhi: He was a leader of the Indian independence movement and a champion of non-violence and civil rights. He sacrificed his comfort, safety, and personal interests to fight for the freedom and dignity of his people. He also advocated for religious harmony and social justice.
- Mother Teresa: She was a Catholic nun who founded the Missionaries of Charity, a religious order that serves the poorest of the poor in India and around the world. She devoted her life to caring for the sick, the dying, the orphaned, and the marginalized, regardless of their faith or background. She also inspired millions of people with her message of love and compassion.
- Nelson Mandela: He was a South African anti-apartheid activist and politician who spent 27 years in prison for his opposition to the racist regime. He emerged as a symbol of reconciliation and forgiveness, and became the first democratically elected president of South Africa. He also worked to promote human rights, democracy, and peace in his country and beyond.
- Albert Einstein: He was a renowned physicist who revolutionized our understanding of the universe with his theory of relativity and other scientific discoveries. He also used his fame and influence to advocate for social causes, such as pacifism, civil rights, nuclear disarmament, and world government. He believed that science should serve humanity and not be used for destruction or domination.
- Martin Luther King Jr.: He was a Baptist minister and civil rights leader who led the movement for racial equality and justice in the United States. He organized peaceful protests, marches, boycotts, and speeches to challenge segregation and discrimination. He also spoke out against poverty, war, and violence, and called for a “beloved community” based on brotherhood and non-violence.
Meditation for service

Further reading
Here are some weblinks that discuss service in self-transcendence in more detail:
What is self-transcendence? Definition and 6 Examples (+PDF) : This article provides a comprehensive overview of self-transcendence, its components and characteristics, and some examples of how it can be achieved. It also explains how service in self-transcendence can enhance well-being and resilience in times of adversity, such as the COVID-19 pandemic.
Clearing the Pathways to self-transcendence : This article reviews the historical foundations and key theoretical approaches of self-transcendence, and highlights some pathways towards it. It argues that self-transcendence can be a democratized and inclusive resource for coping with uncertainty and suffering.
7 common traits of self-transcended people : This article lists seven traits that are commonly found in people who have achieved self-transcendence, such as humility, altruism, gratitude, curiosity, and creativity. It also gives some examples of self-transcended people who engage in work to help others or the society at large.