string theory

string theory is a theoretical framework in physics that attempts to unify quantum mechanics and general relativity by replacing the point-like particles of particle physics with one-dimensional objects called strings. These strings can vibrate in different ways, giving rise to different types of particles and forces, including gravity. string theory Read more…


qualia are the subjective experiences that accompany our conscious states, such as the redness of a rose, the taste of coffee, or the pain of a headache. qualia are often considered to be ineffable, meaning that they cannot be fully captured or communicated by words or other symbols. qualia pose Read more…

holographic storage network

A holographic storage network is a system that uses holography to store and retrieve data in three dimensions. Holography is a technique that creates holograms, which are images that preserve the depth and perspective of the original objects. A holographic storage network splits a laser beam into two beams: a Read more…

space-time coordinate

A space-time coordinate is a way of specifying the location and time of an event in a four-dimensional continuum. The four dimensions are usually labelled as x, y, z, and t, where x, y, and z are the spatial coordinates and t is the temporal coordinate. A space-time coordinate can Read more…

spectral coordinate

A spectral coordinate is a numerical value that represents the position of a point on the visible spectrum of light. The visible spectrum is the range of wavelengths or frequencies of light that humans can perceive as colours. A spectral colour is a colour that is evoked by monochromatic light, Read more…

Hilbert phase space

A Hilbert phase space is a mathematical concept that combines the ideas of a Hilbert space and a phase space. A Hilbert space is a vector space with an inner product that allows us to define distances and angles between vectors. A phase space is a space where each point Read more…


According to Bohm, a process of unfoldment is a way of revealing the explicate order of reality from the deeper implicate order. The implicate order is a realm of undivided wholeness, where everything is enfolded into everything else. The explicate order is the realm of separate and observable phenomena, where Read more…


According to Bohm, a process of enfoldment is a way of describing how the implicate order, a deeper and more fundamental order of reality, manifests itself in the explicate order, the observable and measurable order of phenomena. In this process, the implicate order is constantly and dynamically enfolding and unfolding Read more…

plenum of potentiality

A plenum of potentiality is a philosophical concept that refers to the idea of a fullness of being that contains all possibilities. It is often contrasted with the notion of a void or nothingness, which implies the absence of any potential. A plenum of potentiality can be seen as a Read more…

explicate order

An explicate order is a framework for understanding reality that is based on the abstractions that humans normally perceive, such as space, time, and matter. It is contrasted with an implicate order, which is a deeper and more fundamental order of reality that transcends the conventional notions of space and Read more…
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