The Frankfurt School
The Frankfurt School refers to a group of scholars associated with the Institute for Social Research in Frankfurt, Germany, founded in 1923.
The Frankfurt School refers to a group of scholars associated with the Institute for Social Research in Frankfurt, Germany, founded in 1923.
Personal Engagement Manipulative Techniques are practices that seek to change a persons behaviour through manipulation and deceit.
The concept of the Self-Police Parade, as referenced by Robert Calvert, the lyricist and vocalist of the band Hawkwind, is a thought-provoking metaphor that reflects on societal control and the resultant self-regulation of the individual.
Fritz Lang’s Metropolis is a ground-breaking film that delves into several profound themes and messages he chose to comment on, in 1927. As well as being a cinematic masterpiece of it’s day, the film offered commentary on potential societal conditions, based on the evidence that he perceived was available and he felt pertinent at the time.
This article explores how AI can utilize the concept of masks as visual and emotional tools to guide users through stages of engagement and interaction.
An article about self-presentation, which is the process of conveying a certain image of oneself to others, often to influence others’ perceptions.