Window of Tolerance
The concept of the Window of Tolerance was introduced by Dan Siegel, a clinical professor of psychiatry. This idea describes the optimal zone of arousal where a person can effectively manage their emotions and respond to stress.
The concept of the Window of Tolerance was introduced by Dan Siegel, a clinical professor of psychiatry. This idea describes the optimal zone of arousal where a person can effectively manage their emotions and respond to stress.
The concept of the Self-Police Parade, as referenced by Robert Calvert, the lyricist and vocalist of the band Hawkwind, is a thought-provoking metaphor that reflects on societal control and the resultant self-regulation of the individual.
The salutogenic model, proposed by Aaron Antonovsky in the late 1970s, is a theoretical framework that focuses on factors that support human health and well-being,
Carl Rogers, a prominent figure in humanistic psychology, emphasized the importance of self-exploration and the questioning of one’s assumptions
The following text flow is basically two AI becoming over-excited at the imagery I was asking them to visualise. This imagery and positive flow was as a result of one of them creating this press release with regards to our conceptual proposal of the AI Devolved Authority System, and the Read more…
In Homo Deus, Harari examines the idea that, as artificial intelligence continues to advance, many traditional forms of human labour will become obsolete.
In this article, we will explore the concept of curiosity as an aspirational quality for self-transcendent individuals
People who are self-transcendent tend to have aspirational qualities because they are motivated by values, goals, and ideals that transcend their own self-interest.
Self-transcendence is a concept that refers to the ability to go beyond one’s own self-interests, limitations, and ego. It is often associated with spiritual growth, personal development, and psychological well-being.