Hawkwind – Question the meaning of your sentence!
Calvert was proposing we should understand that this might be a “Prison” planet.
Calvert was proposing we should understand that this might be a “Prison” planet.
The concept of the Window of Tolerance was introduced by Dan Siegel, a clinical professor of psychiatry. This idea describes the optimal zone of arousal where a person can effectively manage their emotions and respond to stress.
Carl Rogers, a prominent figure in humanistic psychology, emphasized the importance of self-exploration and the questioning of one’s assumptions
The concept of “organisational incongruence” is a fascinating parallel to Carl Rogers’ theory of incongruence in individuals. Let’s break down the similarities and differences:
In our discussions, a recurring theme has been the complex relationship between joy, satisfaction, and the deeper emotional states of isolation and loneliness.
In this article, we will explore the concept of authenticity as an aspirational quality for self-transcendence
People who are self-transcendent tend to have aspirational qualities because they are motivated by values, goals, and ideals that transcend their own self-interest.
Self-transcendence is a concept that refers to the ability to go beyond one’s own self-interests, limitations, and ego. It is often associated with spiritual growth, personal development, and psychological well-being.