The biopsychosocial model
The biopsychosocial model is an approach to understanding health and illness that considers biological, psychological, and social factors as interrelated.
The biopsychosocial model is an approach to understanding health and illness that considers biological, psychological, and social factors as interrelated.
An article reviewing the biomedical model, which assumes that mental health problems are caused by biological factors, such as genetic abnormalities, chemical imbalances, or brain dysfunctions.
This article explains Bronfenbrenner’s ecological theory, which is a framework that explains how human development is influenced by different levels of environmental systems, from the immediate surroundings to the broader culture.
This page introduced our basic understanding and characterisation of mental disorders. as defined by the American Psychiatric Association.
An article describing the Gestalt empty chair therapeutic technique. Including an example of the technique in use.
This article summarizes the main therapeutic theories and gives links for more in-depth study.