Hawkwind – Question the meaning of your sentence!
Calvert was proposing we should understand that this might be a “Prison” planet.
Unconditional Positive Regard
Unconditional positive regard serves as a key element in Carl Rogers’ person-centred therapy.
A Clockwork Orange: Warnings of things to come?
The movie, A Clockwork Orange was a controversial movie when it was released, which suggested that governmental influence may extend to torture and inspiring yobbish behaviour and violence to its citizens.
Window of Tolerance
The concept of the Window of Tolerance was introduced by Dan Siegel, a clinical professor of psychiatry. This idea describes the optimal zone of arousal where a person can effectively manage their emotions and respond to stress.
Social Control: The Self-police Parade
The concept of the Self-Police Parade, as referenced by Robert Calvert, the lyricist and vocalist of the band Hawkwind, is a thought-provoking metaphor that reflects on societal control and the resultant self-regulation of the individual.
Prison Planet Syndrome: How Acceptance can Lead the Way Home!
Acceptance is the idea that by accepting that it is only ourselves that we can change in order to correct a perceived problem, that this change in the way we choose to look at things can allow us to be open to the solution. The only thing you can change, if you want to change the world around you, is YOU!
The Mythical Origins of Yoga
Yoga has a rich and ancient history that intertwines with Indian spiritual and philosophical traditions. Its origins are often traced back over 5,000 years, with roots in the Indus Valley Civilization (around 3,000 BCE).
How to actively think yourself happy
This is a simple tip on how you should approach everything in your life.
An end to war? A proposal to heal the world
In this article, I will explore the main psychological issues that contribute to the lack of peace in the world today, and suggest a possible way to overcome them.